Here are 5 things I do to stay inspired


That's a funny and loaded word, eh? It's a muscle we are always trying to flex and something we are constantly searching for.

There are times when we feel overwhelmingly inspired in many areas of our lives, whether it's on the professional or personal front. Ideas flow and we have thoughts buzzing in our brains faster than we can act on them all. It's an exciting time when anything seems possible! These are the periods when all I want to do is create, create, create because I feel like I have so much to put out in the world - critics and haters be damned! 

But for every high there's a low and like most creatives, I've fallen into inspiration droughts that leave me feeling grumpy and exhausted. Creativity is a constant ebb and flow and as the saying goes, "use it or lose it". It's rare that you will always be brimming with great ideas but if you can manage to stay creative and inspired, these gems will be easier to hold onto.

The question I often ask myself is how can I get and (most importantly) stay inspired? How can I create on a regular basis?

Let's take a look at what works best for me.

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Why I made the switch to Mailerlite

Why I made the switch to Mailerlite

Alright alright alright, today we are going to take a look at one of the most important aspects of running a successful website and that’s your email list! I’ve written before about why every website needs an email list and how important they are if you want to grow your website so if you haven’t checked out that post already, hop on over and catch up with us again in a minute. Email lists are a must have for any business and website, and I totally geek out over them!

Knowing how important it is to have an email list is one thing but getting started with it is the next step. I’m here to tell you that despite your best efforts and hours of research, you might not choose the right platform and email service provider on the first round. Whomp whompppp.

I’ve played around with MailChimp and ConvertKit and now I’ve moved my email list over to Mailerlite. Let me tell you why :

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Website Reveal for Current Talent

Recently I had the pleasure of completing a brand new website project for Current Talent, a career coaching and talent management consulting firm based in Vancouver, British Columbia. This project was a real joy to work on because our process was full of collaboration and the founder, Marketta Jokinen, was very receptive and open to my ideas on design, layout and digital marketing features. I loved being able to launch a website from idea to completion, and showcase the exciting business in a new digital platform!

In this blog post I’m going to walk you through the website design and development process from start to finish, tell you about our goals for the project, and also explain the different design features and decisions we made - and why. 

Let’s take a look!

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50 things you need to know about Squarespace SEO

“Bigger is better” - I bet you’ve heard that one before. Sometimes that statement rings true and in other cases, it’s more about what you do with what you have that matters.

When it comes to your website, however? Heck yes, 100% agree - bigger is better!

There are so many benefits to bigger and better websites - wide reach and impact, a deeper understanding of your audience, increased revenue from products/services/ads, affiliate opportunities, etc. An increase in website traffic almost always leads to better results and more money in your pocket, so it’s worth getting strategic here. 

I’ve used the SEO tips below on my own website, as well as my client’s sites, and I know first hand that they result in higher traffic. Even spending just a few hours a month on SEO will lead to major growth, so it’s not like you have to become an expert to get results!

I'm sharing EVERYTHING you need to know about Squarespace SEO in this post so get comfy and settled, this post is gold.

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