I love working on Squarespace websites because they take care of SO many little details and integrations. Whether you're a DIY web designer/developer or a pro who's working on their 100+ website, there are simple steps to follow to get a website up and running in no time.
But, there are several design elements that are often overlooked by newbies since they aren't always familiar with what's involved. One of the most common things I see people forgetting to upload is the social sharing logo.
Social sharing logos are quick and easy to create, and I'll show you how to design one for free using Canva. Once you know what they are and have one designed, you can upload it to your Squarespace website in just a few clicks!
Having a social sharing logo associated with your website keeps things professional since images display correctly anytime someone shares a URL from your website. They'll cover your butt if someone shares a website that doesn't have any images, and they won't affect blog posts or products that have their own thumbnails already set up.
Let's design a social sharing logo for your Squarespace website right now!
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