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Interested in working together? Head over to my WORK WITH CHARLOTTE page for an outline of the ways we can work together and information about each offering. If you have any questions or are ready to get started today, please reach out.
Are you a current/past student in either Top Squarespace SEO or the Squarespace SEO Level-Up Group Program? We do our best to reply to all inquiries within 1-2 business days.
Are you a blog reader or subscribed to my (awesome) newsletter? As much as I'd love to, I cannot answer every question that comes my way. Sorry! Squarespace's 24/7 support team can answer any burning questions you have and they are wonderful to work with. You can always comment with your question on one of my blog posts and I might use it as inspiration for future blog posts for other readers to enjoy.
Want to collaborate? Send me an email with "collaborate" in the subject. Excited to see what you have in mind!
Get in touch
Please fill out the form below or send Charlotte an email at charlotte @ charlotteohara . ca
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