Posts tagged Getting Started Guide
Friday Night Launch Project & Party - recap

Last Friday, my friends and I ran our own “Launch Project” and it was such a great time and productive challenge! I wanted to share the experience with you here on the blog so that you can learn about more about launch projects, how to incorporate them into your own business, and get an idea of what to expect if you set up something similar with your friends/peers!

This was my first time taking part in a Launch Project so I didn’t really know what to expect or what kind of results we would get. Also, since my friends and I were running it ourselves, the Launch Project was super informal so I wasn’t sure how disciplined we’d actually be and wether or not we’d actually get sh*t done :)

As I think back on this Launch Party and the work we all created together, I can’t help think that it was so much FUN! I loved participating in this challenge and it pushed me to create something totally new, just for the heck of it.

During this Launch Project, I created and published my Getting Started Guide for Client On-boarding which is a digital product for web designers/developers.

I’m excited to share this Friday Night Launch Project & Party recap here on the blog because it hope it inspires you to try out something similar - either on your own or with a group of friends!

Alright, let’s dive right in!

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