Posts tagged launch
How and why I created a promotional marketing video for my online course, Top Squarespace SEO

Hello hello!

Coming in HOT with another “how I did this” educational blog post for you!

I’m about to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the brand new promotional marketing video that I created for my online course, Top Squarespace SEO.

These types of posts are really fun to write for you guys because it’s my chance to share with you, my lovely audience, exactly what I’m working on and show you how I’m doing it.

I can truly show you what I learn, as I go.

There’s something wild about experimenting in your business and then slapping those results/takeaways on the internet for the whole world to see in a blog post LOL! But you know me, always happy to (over)share!

Alright, let’s get right to it!.

To start things off, please take a look at said promotional marketing video (below) so that you know what I’m talking about, and then I’ll catch you on the flip side to discuss how I created this video etc.

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An in-depth recap of Top Squarespace SEO: Exactly how I launched and marketed my first online course

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! I’m equal parts excited and super nervous to share this post with you because I truly share the good, bad and ugly of the launch of my first online course, Top Squarespace SEO.

I’m sharing this recap and detailed information for a couple reasons. First of all, I want to get back into blogging and this seems like a fun place to start. Second, I’m using this post as a way to gather all my thoughts, observations and notes in one place. Third, because maybe it’ll help someone who’s reading with their own launch effort.

Sit back, relax, and prepare to creep the heck out of my launch!

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Everything you need to know about monetizing your website

Gather round folks, today we are going to talk about a subject that is a lil’ taboo but oh so popular : MONEY!

Money talk brings out some pretty strong emotions in people, whether it’s good, bad or ugly. Some people get off talking about money and use it as motivation and fuel to reach new levels in their businesses. However, there are loads of people who shy away from the subject because they consider it a private subject, something that isn’t discussed in polite company.

If you’ve been reading my site for a while, it should come as no surprise that I LOVE talking about money and business, and genuinely enjoy coming up with creative ways to get everything my little heart desires. In the past I've shared my thoughts about blogging for profit, earning six-figures as a freelance web designer/developer, and how to budget with irregular freelance income.

A look at my analytics tab tells me that this type of blog content is super popular, which means that clearly my readers are interested in the subject too :)

As such, today we are going to take a look at how and why you should monetize your website

There’s money to be made in websites and believe me, you don’t want to leave any cash money on the table because you were afraid to go big and put yourself/your site out there. With a bit of creativity, I truly believe that any website can be monetized and you can start earning money from it in no time at all!

Let’s take a look.

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10 of my favourite ways to celebrate the launch of a new website

A new website, you say? Yaaas kween, yaaas!

You put in the hours and are now the proud owner of a brand new website. Your business has an online home and you should be thrilled that you made it happen! Kudos, my friend.

Getting your new website up and running is just the tip of the iceberg because once it’s live, the real fun begins. Now you get to share the exciting news with your audience (even if it’s just your best friend or pet, we’ve all gotta start somewhere) and celebrate in style. You spent loads of time and money on your new website and you want to make sure that you kick things off with a bang, am I right!?

I’ve worked with loads of clients on their new websites at this point and I always love seeing how creative they are in celebrating the launches. There are loads of ways to celebrate the launch of your website and let everyone know that the latest version is live, and these 10 tips and ideas are some of my favourite! 

Tell me, how will you celebrate your new site?

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