Do you need to use Google Analytics on your Squarespace website?

Do you need to use google analytics on your Squarespace website (1).jpg

Questions for you:

Do you NEED to set up and use Google Analytics on your Squarespace website? Or, is Squarespace’s Analytics tab enough?

How do you set up Google Analytics on your Squarespace website?

These questions come up allllll the time and I can’t help but laugh at the fact that people have so much resistance to Google Analytics. Maybe they assume it’s just a daunting mass of numbers that you need a degree to read & understand, or that it’s super hard to set up in the first place.

But rest assured, it’s actually super easy to create a Google Analytics account and set it up/connect it to your Squarespace website!

And to answer the question simply, YES you should always use Google Analytics and not just Squarespace’s Analytics tab! I’ll explain exactly why below.

As a Squarespace SEO expert and leader in this super random little niche, it’s my job/pleasure to introduce you to things like this and present it in a way that makes you think, yes Charlotte I can work with this!

This is the kind of insider info that I share with my Squarespace SEO consulting clients and students in my online course, Top Squarespace SEO. But since I’m not one for secrets and truly want the best for anyone with a website, I’m giving you the summarized goods here - totally for free!

Read the blog post or watch the video tutorial below - see how easy it is to set up Google Analytics and learn why you need to have it on your Squarespace website.

Some of you reading this might be totally new to Squarespace SEO and are looking for an introduction to this topic, someone to hold your hand and show you it’s not actually that scary. On the flip side, you might already be familiar with a few points on this list already but maybe you are looking for confirmation that you’re on the right track and haven’t missed anything important. No matter where you are in your Squarespace SEO journey, I know you’ll benefit from this info!

Alright, let’s get straight to it - read the post and watch the video tutorial below to understand what custom code means for Squarespace SEO!



I have so many tips to share on the subject that it would have been crazy to put it all in one article! There are many misconceptions about Squarespace SEO which is why I've dedicate so many posts to this topic. Enjoy!

Click to view all posts in the Squarespace SEO Series

Visit my Squarespace SEO page for lots more resources.


Google Analytics and Squarespace websites


This video tutorial shows a demo website using the Rally template (Brine family, Squarespace 7.0) but the process is the same if you’re using Squarespace 7.1


The difference between Squarespace Analytics and Google Analytics

Before we move into the Google Analytics part of this question, let’s first talk about Squarespace Analytics.

With every Squarespace website, you have access to their Analytics tab which gives you a fantastic overview into the basic numbers, stats & data associated with your live site.

Squarespace Analytics is a great introduction into this information and it’s where most people who are just getting started with SEO and online marketing begin.

People always ask me, “Isn’t Squarespace Analytics enough? Is it robust and can I rely on it to get info about how my site is performing and growing?”

There must be horror stories of people getting sucked into a dark, Google Analytics rabbit hole or something LOL because people have major resistance to moving past Squarespace Analytics and embracing Google Analytics!

Now don’t get me wrong, I love Squarespace Analytics to pieces but it isn’t always enough - sometimes you need even more data and that comes from Google Analytics - the true powerhouse of data, numbers & insights.

So yes, if you are serious about growing your website, learning more about the keywords that people are finding you with, connecting with your ideal audience online and generally figuring out what’s going on with your SEO efforts, then you MUST embrace Google Analytics!


How to connect Google Analytics to your Squarespace website

Believe it or not, it’s super simple to connect Google Analytics to your Squarespace website.

First off, you have to create a Google Analytics account. Once that’s done, here are the steps to follow:

  • Log into the back end of your Squarespace website

  • Settings > Advanced > External API Keys

  • Input your Google Analytics number

See what I mean? Easy as pie!

24 hours to connect

After you followed the steps to connect your Google Analytics account with your Squarespace website, it might take up to 24 hours to fully process the request. Sit tight, be patient and don’t worry - it’s coming!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, it’s quick and easy to connect Google Analytics with your Squarespace website. Even the most technically challenged of my past clients/students can do it LOL!

Once you’ve got it set up, you’re now open to a whole new world of deeper data, numbers and insights that will help & support you on your Squarespace SEO journey.

Squarespace Analytics is a glorious introduction and it has a great bird’s eye view of the info you need, but I strongly recommend that you take a step further and connect your website with Google Analytics too.

Now it's your turn to tell me, have you connected your Squarespace website to Google Analytics? Have you just been using Squarespace Analytics up until now? Do you find Google Analytics daunting or easy to use?

Leave me your questions down in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them. As people are spending more time online than ever before, it’s SO important that your website shows up properly in search results so that you can reach your ideal audience online - but you can’t do this without SEO!

If you want more SEO goodness, be sure to check out my Squarespace SEO page for all resources on the topic.


My signature online course, Top Squarespace SEO, will be opening for enrollment again soon - sign up for the TSS waiting list here!

You can also sign up for my newsletter (right here or below), where I often share Squarespace SEO tips, tricks and high-quality exclusive content. I send out emails to my list every Wednesday, mostly focused on Squarespace websites and SEO, and I can guarantee that you’ll find the newsletter topics interesting, entertaining and worth your time. #humblebrag

Finally, shameless plug: hit me up with any specific questions you have about Squarespace SEO and your website because I’m your girl. You can reach out to me directly if you’re interested in working together on your website and we can talk about whether or not you would be a good fit for my consulting and ongoing services. I can’t take on every request to do Squarespace SEO consulting but I do pick a few websites and businesses to work with every month and I’d love for you to be one of them. 

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