Posts tagged canva
The best places to get social media graphic templates

First of all, you have to build the dang thing and that is a serious undertaking. There's so much that goes into the the design, layout, formatting and technical integrations before people can actually visit your site! And once it’s live, the fun doesn’t stop. Running a website is pretty much a full-time job, especially if you are trying to grow and monetize it down the road. Whether your website supports another business or it IS your business, there are so many moving parts to keep track of if you want it to succeed!

Some of us find the technical side of running a website super easy, but have a harder time with the design elements. We can do it, of course, but sometimes the creative design process is a struggle! 

One thing that I often hear from my clients is that once their website goes live, they want to use social media to send traffic back to their sites. This is music to my ears because it follows best practices, but it’s also where people get stumped. This is especially true if you aren't a graphic designer who is used to creating design elements every day! I hear my clients lament that they aren’t designers themselves or that they don't have a dedicated designer on staff to whip up all of the social media graphics that are needed to support their sites and blog posts.

Little do they know, they don’t have to be! And they don't have to hire out that design work either.

Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of social media graphic templates available online. There are tons of gorgeous options available and  many of them are free to use… you just have to know where to look!

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