Can you realistically DIY a Squarespace SEO plan and strategy?

Can you realistically DIY a Squarespace SEO plan & strategy_.jpg

A few days ago, a potential Top Squarespace SEO student (who ultimately ended up joining TSS during this cohort) messaged me with a really wonderful question:

“Charlotte, give it to me straight - is it realistic for me to DIY an SEO plan and strategy for my Squarespace website?

Ohhhh what a juicy question this was! I loved it so much that I ended up doing a whole Instagram Live video training on the topic… and came back for more to write this blog post!

The short and sweet answer is YES, 100%! It is very realistic to DIY a Squarespace SEO plan & strategy… so long as you know what you’re doing haha :)

Look, I get it: an SEO strategy might not be top of your list of things to consider but trust me - if you have website, there is literally NO BETTER TIME to figure SEO out than now!

Some businesses are moving online for the first time. Other people & brands are being forced to learn how to use their websites effectively when they never used to give it a second thought - up until now they never paid much attention to their websites, or might not even have touched it in years! There’s also a whole other group of people who see the value of SEO and all the promise it brings, and while they want to get started asap, they don’t really know step 1.

We’re all in uncharted territory here, what with the whole COVID-19 pandemic, and all we can do is adapt and hit the ground running (from the safety of our homes haha).

There are two main reasons that SEO is more important than ever before:

  1. Serve our audiences, clients and customers online. Many people, brands and businesses are depending on their websites and online businesses to stay afloat right now)

  2. Take advantage of all the potential website traffic out there, really connect with and attract a new audience. There is a nearly limitless reach since everyone is online like never before!

People are coming out of the fog and quickly realizing the value of SEO… but they don’t know if they can realistically follow and implement an effective Squarespace SEO plan and strategy - especially if they don’t know the basics yet!

That’s what we’re going to cover here today.

At the end of this blog post, I’ll know I’ve done my job properly if you are totally convinced that SEO is accessible to you - and that anyone and their cat can do it well so long as they follow the right instructions!

SEO isn’t rocket science and even the biggest “tech dummy” can figure it out with a little guidance and support! SEO isn’t reserved for internet-obsessed tech bros, big agencies or randoms who farm all the work out to offshore VA’s.

Nope nope nope!

In my experience, some of my best clients and Top Squarespace SEO students who receive the most impressive results are simply Regular Joe’s and Jane’s, who were willing to try it out and determined to succeed! They followed a plan and executed it to a T, and surprise surprise - they were able to grow their websites.

Lucky for you, I’m here to show you how that’s done :)

Let’s get started!



Top Squarespace SEO

Enrolment is now open! But hurry, doors close on Thursday May 7 @ 9pm EST!

Where there’s a will, there’s a way

If you are being pulled to learn about SEO and have even the slightest desire to master it and follow a proven plan & strategy, then you’re already set up for success!

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way” is one of my favourite sayings because it hasn’t failed me yet.

Maybe you’re interested in SEO, you’ve watched a few of my tutorials or read my blog posts and think “I might be able to do this too”, then trust me - you totally can!

The desire to learn and a “what the hell” attitude are going to take you where you want to go, and make sure you get the results you deserve.

Fear is what holds most people back

Fear of … what, though? Fear of failure? Fear of trying and not getting the outcome you hoped for? Fear that your investment won’t pay off? Fear of not knowing where to start?

Nah hunni, that’s beyond unlikely, especially if you actually stick to a tried and true Squarespace SEO plan and follow the outlined strategy.

Like, how could you NOT see an improvement? Do you really think that after doing all that work, your website won’t grow at all? That all your SEO efforts will have been for nothing? Do you really think that it will work for everyone except you? Didn’t think so.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel

When it comes to Squarespace SEO, it’s important to remember that someone who knows more than you about this topic has already come up with a proven SEO plan and strategy. You don’t need to do everything by yourself. Instead, you just need to show up and go through the instructions. If you follow it step by step, you are guaranteed to see results and you will succeed in growing your website!

That teacher is me, btw!!

Related: How I became an expert in Squarespace SEO

In my course, Top Squarespace SEO, I have packaged up years of experience and laid the entire Squarespace SEO plan & strategy out for you to follow.

Getting started is ridiculously easy: all it takes is that you decide to sign up, log in, start with video lesson #1 and go from there.

It’s not rocket science, I promise you that, and plenty of my past students were starting from Square One - total beginners, bless - but they did it anyway!

Hacking an SEO plan & strategy together from random (out of date) articles and manic Youtube videos is a guaranteed headache…. and a sure fire way to be overwhelmed, upset, and defeated when you don’t see results.

Trust me, I’ve done this for myself as well as countless clients. I’ve taught these same strategies to my students in Top Squarespace SEO and it works - time and time again.

I really do pride myself on knowing that Top Squarespace SEO students simply have to show up, follow my strategies and they’re basically guaranteed to get results. No matter where they’re starting, what level they’re currently at, the industry/niche that their website is in - it just works.

The technical side of SEO is not overwhelming

Tech-phobia is another fear-based worry that should never hold you back!

These “tech fears” are rooted in a lack of confidence - maybe because someone feels like they can barely log into the back end of their Squarespace website without referring back to instructions, let alone do more advanced stuff like updating web page content, filling out SEO titles and descriptions, or coming up with a keyword-focused content plan!

Whether you consider yourself totally inexperienced with the back end of your website (which is many of my Top Squarespace SEO students, tbh), or you feel like you’ve got the basics covered but don’t know what steps to take next - many people say that tech is simply too overwhelming and therefore never begin with Squarespace SEO.

People worry that they’ll take an initial stab at SEO only to find out it’s too technical for them or that it’ll go completely over their head. It’s why they hum and haw for so long before booking an SEO consulting session with me, or wait months before enrolling in Top Squarespace SEO (and then complain because the price went up haha).

Honestly, I get it - especially if you are used to browsing random SEO articles and Youtube videos where there’s lots of confusing jargon and words that the average person can’t understand!

But again, that’s not my style at all - the SEO plan & strategy that I teach in Top Squarespace SEO begins with the very basics and we slowly build from there. No tech talk without an explanation, demo and full walk through.

Like I said before, if you follow the steps I outline in Top Squarespace SEO, you can’t mess it up haha! You literally just watch the video tutorials and copy what I’ve shown you how to do - only this time, it’s on your own website!

Do not fear the tech side of SEO, I promise it’s not actually scary :)

Try something outside of your “zone of genius”

Some people say that you should only ever work inside your zone of genius, and then outsource everything else.

I say… can’t you do both? Aren’t we multi-dimensional beings with many talents???????

196.1k Likes, 3,563 Comments - Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) on Instagram: "Another day, another $"

I kind of see where they’re coming from with the zone of genius thing BUT I obviously don’t buy into it.

I, for one, enjoy working on different types of projects and trying out new things!

Like, if years ago I had never randomly spend an afternoon going down the SEO rabbit hole and trying it out on my own website…. where would be today? LOL

If all you ever want to do is the like 3 things that you are already good at, the things that you know you can’t mess up, then fine - I’ll support you if that makes you happy.

However, I have faith that you are intelligent and agile enough to follow a (pretty basic but effective) Squarespace SEO plan & strategy :)

Even if you never in a million years thought you would need to learn SEO, or you are freaking out because this has somehow ended up on your “MUST DO ASAP” list, then just give it a shot - you can do it, hunni!

Do not fear diversification - you might think you’re just signing up to learn about SEO but I have a sneaky feeling you’ll also pick up a few things about growing websites, design, blogging, pitching, email newsletters, online marketing and a whole load of other random stuff along the way. Insane, but awesome.

Don’t let anyone f*ck with you

Ok haha hear me out on this one!

Maybe you don’t want to challenge me for the title of “Squarespace SEO Expert” - instead, you’d be happy to just learn the basics.

You might be interested in trying your hand at some of the DIY aspects of SEO, but at the end of the day you’re ultimately here to learn enough so that you can hire some of the ongoing SEO work out to someone or an agency.

BUT…. you don’t want anyone to rip you off!

If you have even an elementary understanding of Squarespace SEO and what goes into a successful and effective plan/strategy, the no one can hoodwink you into a crappy SEO package. You will have a realistic understanding of what you can expect, the results you can get, what should be included, etc.

You won’t fall for a fear-based sales pitch and no one will take advantage of your website or business.

Sorry not sorry if this point ruffles a few feathers xoxoxox

Fit to follow through?

Serious question: will you actually do the work required to DIY a Squarespace SEO plan and strategy?

Because if you know yourself and can honestly say that you won’t, then DIY is not for you. No shade, just facts.

Remember: there are no results without action.

If you are going to DIY a Squarespace SEO plan and strategy, it’s 100% possible to expect that your website will grow… but you must be disciplined enough to actually do the work!

Squarespace SEO isn’t hard but it does require time and effort. This is usually why people/brands/businesses decide that DIY isn’t for them - they simply don’t trust themselves to get ‘er done.

Bet on yourself - learn a new skill, do the dang work, bask in the glory of your rad results.

Pride that comes from mastering a new skill

I saved this point for last because I truly think it’s worth mentioning and celebrating.

If you commit to learning SEO and following a plan & strategy on your own Squarespace website, odds are you will succeed.

Obviously this is good for the ego, it’s amazing to see website traffic numbers and other stats creeping up each week, and you’ll feel so good seeing that all your hard work has paid off.

But also, on a woo-woo level, many of my Top Squarespace SEO students have already told me that learning about Squarespace SEO gives them a sense of purpose during these crazy times. It’s a little win, an accomplishment for them while they’re stuck at home with social/physical distancing, and they love knowing that they’ll come out of this with peace of mind knowing that they took matters into their own hands and did the damn thing.

They didn’t waste their quarantine time glued to Netflix, instead they learned a new skill and now they have something to show for it.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to Squarespace SEO, there really is a method to the madness - and with a little enthusiasm, anyone can master it!

I’ve worked with total beginners who don’t even have a website up and running yet, all the way up to fellow web/graphic designers who want to improve their skills to offer additional services and charge more for their packages.

These Squarespace SEO strategies work across the board - no matter what type of website you have, in whatever industry or niche - it’s tried and true.

Squarespace SEO is definitely something you can learn and yes, it is totally realistic to DIY a Squarespace SEO plan and strategy!

You’ve got this, hunni. I believe in you!


Now it’s your turn to tell me, have you ever thought about doing SEO on your website? Have you tried to follow a plan in the past? How did that work out? What’s your current SEO strategy? I’d love to know so leave me a note in the comments below!

No matter what type of Squarespace website you have, an SEO plan and strategy is non-negotiable, especially if you want to reach even more of your ideal audience online. I encourage you to start where you are and work on improving your SEO plan and strategy a little bit at a time, you’ve got this!

If you want more SEO goodness, be sure to check out my Squarespace SEO page for all resources on the topic.

You can also sign up for my newsletter (right here or below), where I often share Squarespace SEO tips, tricks and high-quality exclusive content. I send out emails to my list every week and while I don’t talk about SEO every time, I can guarantee that you’ll still find the newsletter topics interesting, entertaining and worth your time.

Finally, shameless plug : hit me up with any specific questions you have about Squarespace SEO and your website because I’m your girl. You can reach out to me directly if you’re interested in working together on your website and we can talk about whether or not you would be a good fit for my consulting and ongoing services. I can’t take on every request to do SEO consulting but I do pick a few websites and businesses to work with every month and I’d love for you to be one of them. 

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