5 marketing features that every website MUST have

5 marketing features that every website must have | live video training extravaganza

Welcome to Day 4 of my Live Video Training Extravaganza!

On Monday June 29, 2019, I kicked things off with the first daily live video training over on my Youtube channel and every day this week (and probably next week too!), I’ll be doing even more live video trainings for you… and then sharing the replays here on the blog.

Can you believe we’re already on Day 4?! Time flies when you’re having fun!

Day 4’s video training was a seriously so good and and I can’t wait for you to watch the replay.

In this video training, we talked all about the 5 marketing features that every website MUST have.

Whether your website is hosted on Squarespace or another platform (Wordpress, Shopify, etc.), consider these marketing features non-negotiable :)

In previous live video trainings this week, we talked about choosing the right Squarespace template and then moved on to the Squarespace template customization process. So Day 4’s video training, which is all about including marketing features and settings on your website, is a natural next step!

Here’s the thing: no matter what type of website you have, we can all benefit from better marketing! Whether your website supports a services-based business, or you have an e-commerce shop or sell products online, or if you are running an event, marketing plays a massive role in the success of your business and website.

Marketing is all about getting the right people in front of your offerings. Our goal is to connect our ideal audiences/dream clients with the content of our websites - so that we can better sell & promote our products, services, offerings and highlight the amazing value we bring!

So when it comes to your website, make sure that you have all these marketing features in place!

Ready to dive right in?

Click the live video training replay below to watch now!

5 marketing features every website MUST have

Click play to watch the video above or on my Youtube channel

Here’s what we talked about in this live video training:

1) Grow your email list - newsletter sign up/opt-in

Use the newsletter content block in Squarespace to build your email list using Squarespace's Email Campaigns or the free Mailchimp integration. You can also embed newsletter sign ups from other email marketing providers (e.g., Convertkit, Mailerlite, Infusionsoft, etc.). But trust me, building an email list is HUGE and it's a marketing feature that every website must have, no matter what type of site you run!

Email newsletter sign ups work well when you offer a freebie (e.g., checklist, reference doc, email course, template, etc.) or content upgrade (often included in blog post). Either way you are offering something of value that is directly related to your offerings/products/services. you want these people to join your email list so that you can nurture them and warm them as leads, so that ideally they end up becoming a client or customer.

Building your email list is also a great way to get people to stick around and return to your website as repeat visitors. If you have their email address, you can send them regular emails that link to content on your website, promote your services/products/offerings, etc. Basically you build a relationship with them over time through email marketing and it all starts on your website.


2) Blog

Blogging is for everyone - seriously, every website needs a blog!

It's great for SEO, sets you up as an authority in your industry/niche, raises your profile online, serves as content that promotes or sells your products/services/offerings, can link to other content on your website within blog posts, share your knowledge/expertise and MORE.

Also, blogging is FREE which is a fantastic thing if you’re looking for a low-cost marketing strategy that connects you with your ideal audience.

Start a blog if you haven't already, it’s hands down one of the most valuable marketing tools you can use! Start off by picking 4 topics related to your products/services/offerings and even blogging once a week is better than nothing!


3) Promotional popup

Promotional popups work and convert really well so don't be afraid to use them on your website! They're a built in feature with Squarespace so no additional coding required. Use them to build your email list, promote an event, offer a discount/promo code, and much more!


4) Announcement bar

Another feature that's built directly into Squarespace's platform! Announcement bars are small marketing tools that pack a big punch so be sure to enable them on your website now. Like popups, they can be used in so many ways, so get creative!


5) Social media links

Connect your social media profiles to your website and link to them (icons usually display in the header or footer sections). Can also display part of your Instagram feed! Many ways to use social media as a marketing tool/feature on your website.



  1. Launch Your Best Site (email course)

  2. Squarespace SEO Checklist


As I mentioned, this video is Day 4 of my Live Video Training Extravaganza and I’m PUMPED to be sharing so much free content, knowledge, information, strategies and tech tips with you!

I’ll be going live every day over on my Youtube channel sharing a free video training all about Squarespace, SEO, web design & development, online business, and a whole lot more.

We’re going to be talking about how you can grow your website, connect with your ideal audience online, attract dream clients and customers, and improve the look/feel/functionality of your website. Ready to up-level? PERFECT because my friend, you are in the right place and I’m sharing all my “secrets” to get you there.

I have a few topics in mind but I’d LOVE to hear from you! If there’s anything you want me to talk about, any questions you want answered, any strategies you want me to debunk or explain, please let me know by leaving me a comment below. I’m open to suggestions because I want to make sure that these video trainings are super valuable and exactly what you’re dying to learn from me. So don’t be shy, consider this your invitation to pick my brain!

See you back here or over on my Youtube channel for Day 5’s free live video training :)